Wednesday, 29 July 2009



I spent 4 hours setting up the optimal Cakewalk Sonar environment only to find out that my PC needs a sound card upgrade. I should include the motherboard too. The crappy Realtek Sound card is built into the board. Core 2 duo is so prehistoric. The ram slots are faulty. Maybe i need a new video card...or a larger HDD...Damn! Curse technology for slit-throat progress! I'm way behind now!

Speaking of upgrades, my wife got pissed off because iTunes is nagging her for the 3.0 iPod software update and it's worth 10 bucks. And you know what? We have to find a way to upgrade or else she won't be able use her favorite apps anymore because all apps are upgrading to the 3.0 fold and new versions will only work with software 3.0! Way to go Apple. So adorable. Capitalistic pigs. You should be thankful we love your products.

Sigh. Upgrades...Updates.

P.S on a lighter note..i'm gonna have an internet connection upgrade tomorrow! At least that will be something to look forward to...

Friday, 24 July 2009

Feeling Well


Had IVP(intravenous pyelogram) today. The doctor had to check the condition of my kidneys. Man it was a very long day. Got into the haze when the doctor gave me a dose of benadryl. had to lie down for three hours and it was freezing cold in the xray room. The thought that something was attached to one of my veins drove me nuts. Glad that's over now. It seems there's progress. My kidney is okay. I have not suffered from gout for four months now.

Friday, 10 July 2009

Shocking Curiosity


Today was routine Music Class. Blah Blah Blah. Some high moments. Some low-reaction- moments. Today a student asked me in a half-innocent, half-curious, half-perverted kind of tone some dreadful questions. Question # 1: "Sir, when you are alone in this building, do you jerk off?" He asked that without any sign of hesitation. Before i could answer he blurts out "Sir, do you have porn in your laptop?". Before i could react he spews out "Sir, do you jerk off often?".
I was shocked. What a perv. And he asked me all those shady questions without even breaking a sweat. Before i could answer, another student exclaimed "Of course he doesn't need to. He has a wife you blithering idiot." I then answered with a sarcastic smile, "Hey, I'm your teacher. You're not supposed to be asking those seems you are suggesting that you do that thing very often. Well goodluck on your voyage and exploration!" He said "never mind sir. Goodbye." with a sheepish grin on his face.

Kids today...uhm i don't know what to say....hahaha.